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Muni Credit News December 10, 2015

Joseph Krist

Senior Municipal Credit Consultant


Just as the storm surrounding the credit woes of Puerto Rico intensifies, the worst suspicions of the most cynical investors and observers are confirmed. U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez of the District of Puerto Rico announced that 10 Puerto Rico businessmen and government officials have been indicted for their alleged participation in several schemes to corruptly give things of value to public officials within the government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in exchange for favorable treatment and awarding of government contracts to various corporations. The 25-count indictment includes charges of conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery and honest services wire fraud, wire fraud, federal program bribery, extortion through fear of economic harm, money laundering, false declarations before a grand jury, and obstruction of justice.

Among the indictees are the Purchasing Director of the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority and the Administrator and Special Assistant for Administration at the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico.

Just when it needs to show that it is serious about tackling its problems, Gov. Alejandro García Padilla signed into law the commonwealth’s self-imposed fiscal oversight board. Several amendments watered down the original version including provisions that the five-member board will only certify or endorse, rather than control, the commonwealth’s fiscal practices, while investigative, approving and budgetary-control powers also remained toned-down. The board will certify if each monitored entity is undertaking sustainable fiscal practices and complying with the five-year fiscal and economic plan. Such entities may request the board to be excluded from its scope if certain criteria are met, including long-term fiscal health and not running counter to the FEGP. The legislative and judicial branches, PREPA and PRASA, and the University of Puerto Rico are not considered monitored entities, so they do not fall under the board’s review powers.


The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to decide whether Puerto Rico, which is in the midst of a financial crisis, may allow public utilities there to restructure $20 billion in debt. Puerto Rico’s lawyers had urged the court to take immediate action in light of the overall magnitude of the commonwealth’s debts, around $72 billion, which it says it cannot pay. “Anyone who has even glanced at the headlines in recent months knows that the commonwealth is in the midst of a financial meltdown that threatens the island’s future,” the lawyers wrote in their petition seeking review of an appeals court decision that struck down a 2014 Puerto Rico law allowing the restructurings.“Because that decision leaves Puerto Rico’s public utilities, and the 3.5 million American citizens who depend on them, at the mercy of their creditors,” the commonwealth’s lawyers wrote, “this court’s review is warranted — and soon.”

The United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, in Boston, said the 2014 law, the Recovery Act, was at odds with the federal Bankruptcy Code, which bars states and lower units of government from enacting their own versions of bankruptcy law. Puerto Rican officials countered that the Recovery Act addressed a gap in the way its debts are treated. Chapter 9 excludes all branches of Puerto Rico’s government, including its public utilities. The Recovery Act, Puerto Rican officials said, merely filled the gap in the overall legal structure.

Creditors of the utilities sued, arguing that the Bankruptcy Code displaced, or pre-empted, the local law. So far, the courts have agreed. The decision to accept the case for review seems to have reinforced the government’s strategy of appearing to put all of its eggs in the bankruptcy basket so to speak. PR lawmakers were informed Saturday, Dec. 5, that the Governor  won’t be calling a special session to consider the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) Revitalization Act bill, after all.


Senate Republicans introduced a bill Wednesday to include up to $3 billion in cash relief, a payroll tax break for residents of the island and a new independent authority that could borrow for Puerto Rico — but with no taxpayer guarantee. “Consistent with the views of Congress and the administration that there will be no ‘bailout’” of Puerto Rico, said a bill summary, “the full faith and credit of the United States is not pledged for the payment of debt obligations issued by the Authority.” “Consistent with the views of Congress and the administration that there will be no ‘bailout’” of Puerto Rico, said a bill summary, “the full faith and credit of the United States is not pledged for the payment of debt obligations issued by the Authority.” The legislation also included a provision to require Puerto Rico — and all the states — to disclose, for the first time, the true financial condition of their pension systems for government workers.

The bill provides for tapping a $12 billion public-health fund created under the Affordable Care Act, for research and preventive medicine programs nationwide. The bill summary said the money was as yet “unobligated,” and could be “repurposed” with federal supervision to help Puerto Rico through an expected cash squeeze this winter. The legislation was introduced by the Republican chairmen of three Senate committees with jurisdiction over Puerto Rico’s: Senator Hatch of Utah, whose Finance Committee has jurisdiction over tax policy; Senator Grassley of Iowa, whose Judiciary Committee is responsible for bankruptcy law; and Senator Murkowski of Alaska, whose Committee on Energy and Natural Resources has jurisdiction over matters involving America’s territories.

The bill would designate a “chief financial officer” for Puerto Rico to advise the island’s governor on drafting and sticking to an annual budget. The designee would remain in place even if the government changes hands in next year’s election, giving Puerto Rico a better chance of seeing through its five-year economic recovery plan no matter who is elected. The bill proposes only further study of  how to revive Puerto Rico’s failing pension system, or changing the way doctors on the island are paid by federal programs like Medicare.

By waiting until the end of the current Congressional session, the bill’s sponsors implicitly indicate that the measure is at best a band aid to fund the upcoming January 1 general obligation bond payment and provide more time for a more serious and comprehensive plan in 2016.


The Pennsylvania state Senate passed a public pension reform plan Monday by a 38-12 bipartisan vote. Monday’s vote sends the bill  to the House for further action. For school teachers hired after July 1, 2017 and state workers hired after Jan. 1 2018, the bill creates a new, two-track pension plan that combines a reduced guaranteed benefit based on years of service and final salary at retirement with a separate 401(k)-style component. It also will change some rules pertaining to current employees, though the basic form of their pension plan would not change.

Pennsylvania union leaders immediately blasted the bill as unfair to future workers, and noted that it may have passed improperly without a required independent actuarial note from the state’s Public Employee Retirement Commission. Unsurprisingly, the leader of the largest state employees’ union, vowed to continue to fight against the bill in the House, and also promised a certain court challenge if passed because of the changes for current employees.

The  director of the Pew Charitable Trusts States’ Public Sector Retirement Systems project has said that his reviews showed that while retirement benefits for a career worker hired under the new bill’s terms would be reduced about 10 to 15 percent from present, with Social Security that worker could still expect to receive an average of about 90 percent of their take-home pay through the course of their retirement.

The new benefit would cut the current “defined benefit” pension formula in place for workers hired since 2011 in half, essentially guaranteeing new hires 1 percent of their final salary for each year served as opposed to the 2 percent multiplier in place now. That would be paired with a mandatory 401(k)-style piece, into which the state would contribute the equivalent of 2.5 percent of an employees’ salary to their personal retirement account. Between the two components, school district employees hired under the new plan would contribute 7.5 percent of their salaries to their retirement. Affected state workers would contribute 6.25 percent.

There is a carve-out for “hazardous-duty” workers, including state police, corrections officers, game wardens and park rangers, for whom the current defined-benefit plans would continue. Current state and school district employees would see changes including changes to rules regarding lump-sum withdrawal of individual pension contributions for any payments made into the system, starting Jan. 1 for state workers and July 1 for school employees. Also included were resets to the final salary calculation to the higher of average salary over the last three years of employment, excluding overtime; or the average of the last five years’, overtime included.

The bill includes an adjustment up to workers’  payroll contributions by 0.5 percent if, over the prior 10-year period, the state’s two major retirement funds have missed their investment return targets by a full percentage point. On the other hand, contributions would be cut by a half-percent if investment gains beat targets by 1 percent. The review would be applied once every three years. Actual savings from the reform bill are small: the Senate released an analysis Monday putting the number at $2.6 billion over the next 20 years, against a cumulative cost of over $200 billion. As a result, other budget issues will have to be relied upon to stabilize the Commonwealth’s finances and ratings.

Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.

Muni Credit News December 3, 2015

Joseph Krist

Municipal Credit Consultant


Debt service may have been paid but the Puerto Rico debt crisis entered a new phase. The government of Puerto Rico was able to meet in full a $354.7 million payment on outstanding Government Development Bank (GDB) notes due Tuesday, Dec. 1, the governor’s fiscal team announced that certain revenues pledged to pay debt held by five public entities will be “clawed back” due to the severe cash crunch affecting the commonwealth.

Executive Order 2015-46, signed Monday by Gov. Alejandro García Padilla, allows the central government to use revenues that cover debt service of certain public corporations — the Highways & Transportation (HTA), Infrastructure Financing (AFI), Metropolitan Bus (AMA), Integrated Transportation and Convention Center District authorities — to pay debt carrying the commonwealth’s guarantee. In all, the government would claw back about $329 million in such revenues for the payment of commonwealth-guaranteed debt and would allow to maintain essential government services, officials say.

This opens the door to potential litigation by creditors of the impacted agencies that would test the validity of the “claw back” now that it has been used for the first time.  GDB President & Chairwoman Melba Acosta said the Dec. 1 payment was met using the bank’s funds and is intended to show its creditors Puerto Rico’s willingness to honor its obligations as it continues to seek a consensual debt-restructuring deal. Puerto Rico’s liquidity position continues to be “severely constrained” despite the extraordinary measures.

At the same time, revenue estimates for the current fiscal year have been further adjusted, about $508 million less than originally projected in the commonwealth’s budget for fiscal year 2016, from $9.8 billion to $9.3 billion. In a government quarterly financial report released Nov. 6, the administration had already hinted at the possibility of the “claw back” through which it could tap these revenues to pay debt guaranteed by the commonwealth. Citing the Puerto Rico Constitution, the government could do so “if there is an insufficiency of available resources to meet debt service on general obligation debt.”

“In the case of the contracts where a clawback could be carried out, they provide that if there is a need of cash flow to pay debt with more legal protection and government services, a clawback can be executed,” Secretary of State Víctor Suárez said.

Meeting the Dec. 1 GDB payment proved to be a challenge for the government, with several payments looming , and as soon as Jan. 1, the administration would have to come up with more than $600 million if it is to meet all its debt obligations that come due on New Year’s Day. Primary among those Jan. 1 payments, the government faces $331.6 million due on general obligation (GO) debt. There is also some $115 million due on HTA debt, about $36 million due on Infrastructure Financing Authority (AFI) and $9.5 million corresponding to the Convention Center District Authority.

The GDB said that despite the  decision to claw back revenues pledged to the public corporations, they would still have enough resources to meet their debt-service schedule. “What we are doing is clawing back on the money that goes to the trustee. Most of these agencies have sufficient reserves to pay their scheduled debt service payments. Not sending the money [to the trustee] doesn’t necessarily mean that we are not going to pay that debt. Each entity is different. The executive order was signed yesterday, and the first clawback was yesterday, of some $22 million that was going from HTA to its trustee,” Acosta said.

The action was concurrent with a U.S. Senate hearing on Puerto Rico’s problems. According to the testimony submitted by Governor García Padilla for the  hearing over the Puerto Rico fiscal crisis, the governor stated that “in simple terms, we have begun to default on our debt,” as a result of his decision to sign the order that allows for the clawback. Other spokesmen for the Government were more equivocal saying, “According to each contract, there are different definitions on what a default would be. From a technical default, to a default or a breach of contract, there are different definitions”.

The  Justice Secretary César Miranda said the administration’s decision to use these pledged revenues to pay other public debt “could be interpreted as a technical default, in the way that we are retaining money that would have been used to eventually pay a debt when it’s due. Certainly, the debt hasn’t matured. When it is due and not paid, then there could be an absolute default. Someone may interpret that retaining the money that would have been used to pay certain debt could constitute a default. It is questionable legally, and would depend on what is stated under each particular contract.”


The other large troubled credit made some level of progress this week. Gov. Bruce Rauner and House Democrats on Wednesday came to a rare compromise to release more than $3.1 billion to pay Illinois Lottery winners and help cities and towns operate 911 centers, plow roads and train firefighters. Normally, municipalities receive a share of gas tax, 911 surcharge and gambling revenue to finance up day-to-day operations.  Those dollars have been on hold due to the state budget impasse. Legislation passed 107-1 by the House would free those funds. Of the total, $1 billion would be for the lottery which had stopped making large payouts because the state hasn’t had a budget since July 1.

The bulk of the $3.1 billion in new spending is money set aside in accounts earmarked for specialized purposes, though lawmakers also signed off on $28 million in spending from the state’s main checking account. About $18 million of that will go to domestic violence shelters and another $10 million was set aside for the Secretary of State’s office, which stopped mailing yearly reminders for drivers to renew their vehicle registrations.

By year’s end, Comptroller Leslie Munger projects the backlog of delayed bill payments could reach $8.5 billion. Areas that remain unfunded include colleges and universities, scholarship programs for low-income students and various programs for victims of sexual assault and those with developmental disabilities.

Rauner said he would support the bill if it also included more money for things like debt payments and salting and plowing of roads.  He billed the move as a compromise, although it also provided him political cover as some House Republicans were willing to vote for the plan in the face of pressure from suburban mayors to free up the money. Following Wednesday’s House vote, Rauner said there were some things in the bill he liked and some things he didn’t, but “what we did is we compromised.”

The Senate is scheduled to return to the Capitol on Monday of next week to vote on the legislation. Rauner and Democrats also were able to find common ground on a bill that could make workers ineligible for unemployment benefits if they do things like drink on the job, lie on an employment application or refuse to follow an employer’s instructions.

It says a lot that those last items represent a real achievement in Illinois budget politics.


If there is one industry that has faced more challenges to its at ability to plan financially over the last two decades it has to be the healthcare industry. This week will present yet another example. It is likely that as we go to press that the U.S. senate will use the reconciliation process to approve a repeal of Obamacare. It would represent the first  time in the six year history of the ACA that both houses approve such legislation. It will have no practical impact as all involved agree that the bill will be vetoed and that the votes to override such a veto are not to be had. It will however thicken the cloud that hangs over the law and add to the uncertainty about exactly what pool of revenues will be available to hospitals and other providers going forward over the long term.

The other headwinds are pretty well established and have been highlighted during the current enrollment period for coverage for 2016. Between stories about higher premiums, fewer insurer participants, and the possibility of changes under a new administration in Kentucky the stream of news about the ACA has not been positive. Of course this excludes the fact that millions of Americans have gotten health insurance and that the % of Americans uninsured is at a multi-decade low.

All of these factors conspire to make the job of hospital CFO more unenviable by the day. Our view is that they combine to continue the support for scale on the part of providers although scale without efficient use of technology, especially in billing is not a sufficient panacea. In fact, technology at any facility whether it be large or small, urban or rural, is a key issue. Having said that, smaller and stand alone facilities will remain the most vulnerable to the uncertainties inherent in the battle over the ACA. we believe that investors should keep that in mind as they continue or consider their investments in credits in this sector.

Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.

Muni Credit News November 24, 2015

Joseph Krist

Municipal Credit Consultant

Our usual Thursday posting time has been moved up this week to accommodate Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday and we will return to our regular schedule next week.


It came as no surprise when the Friday, Nov. 20, deadline on a restructuring deal struck two weeks ago for PREPA came and went. The tone of the debate over legislation necessary to implement a restructuring agreement for PREPA showed that not enough of the political establishment currently had the will to meet all of its requirements. The effort to achieve a relatively pain free result (pain free for both politicians and customers) continues. Fortunately, the cash-strapped Authority secured from its creditors an additional extension to the agreement’s drop-dead date, until Dec. 10, to get its monoline insurers on board.

Press accounts attributed to Chief Restructuring Officer Lisa Donahue said PREPA insurers were on the verge of joining an agreement. The creditors are said to have granted an extension until at least Dec. 4 and no later than Dec. 10 to grant adequate time to secure passage of the bill and to seal final details with the remaining monoline bond insurers. According to the RSA, if PREPA fails to reach an agreement with monolines that is acceptable to all parties, the implementation of a recovery plan for the utility would be worked “through a mechanism to be agreed among the Parties that may include, without limitation, a judicial process (including an enforcement proceeding under applicable law).”

PR Senate President Eduardo Bhatia has previously said majority lawmakers would seek to safeguard the interests of the commission, ensure that the proposed changes to the governance are in line with what they want and that payment to creditors is guaranteed. PREPA  has warned about introducing changes to the legislation that could jeopardize the restructuring agreement. Among the RSA’s requirements that must be met for the accord to hold, PREPA must also submit a rate-review proposal at the Puerto Rico Energy Commission (PREC) by Dec. 15. The commission also has its own set of deadlines it must meet in order to maintain full authority over the rate-review process. Failure to meet the RSA’s timetable could force the utility back to the negotiating table.


On the general obligation front, the government presented representatives of the island’s largest debt holders with a proposal for a comprehensive restructuring structure — a “superbond” — that would consolidate the commonwealth’s different credits, Government Development Bank (GDB) President & Chairwoman Melba Acosta is said to have described the meetings with creditors’ advisers as “very positive and productive,” while stressing that no negotiations were conducted at this time, as it was only an “informative meeting.” She acknowledged that the administration is seeking to finish restructuring talks by summertime. Friday’s meetings in New York included representatives of different creditor groups, along with the Sales Tax Financing Corp. (COFINA), GDB and general obligations (GOs). Advisers representing mutual funds and cooperatives holding Puerto Rico debt also took part in the presentations. Commonwealth bond insurers didn’t participate in the meetings, according to Acosta.

She was quoted as saying “If we have different credits that have different repayment sources, and we would have single structure, then there will most probably be a consolidation of repayment sources,” she acknowledged, while adding that more details on the commonwealth’s proposal will be released later. Other reports indicate that as part of that new bond, general obligation holders would have the first claim on government revenues, giving them the highest priority in the superbond structure. Holders of other forms of the government’s debt would have lower priority. It is not clear whether bondholders, in return, would be asked to buy the superbond at a discount, resulting in a haircut on their current holdings.

When asked if a forbearance agreement similar to what was negotiated with PREPA was sought, Acosta said that hadn’t been discussed yet, but could be as the commonwealth moves forward with its debt-restructuring efforts. Friday’s meetings in New York included representatives of different creditor groups, including Sales Tax Financing Corp., GDB and general obligations (GOs). Advisers representing mutual funds and cooperatives holding Puerto Rico debt also took part in the presentations. Commonwealth bond insurers didn’t participate in the meetings, according to Acosta. The hedge funds hope that Washington will avoid taking any measures that might undermine that process.

On Dec. 1, the  Government Development Bank must make a $354 million debt payment. Moody’s has predicted that the government would skip some of those payments because of the worsening liquidity situation. Officials have stayed publicly vague about whether they intend to make the Dec. 1 payment. Ms. Acosta, the president of the Government Development Bank, said the government had yet to make up its mind on whether to make the debt payment next month or another large payment coming due in January.

Those pushing for Gov. Alejandro García Padilla to default to force the creditors, including the hedge funds, to the negotiating table argue that it might also prompt Congress to act faster to give Puerto Rico access to Chapter 9 — something many creditors want to avoid.

We advise investors to take the various published comments and press commentaries with some perspective. The idea of a universal settlement has great appeal to the Commonwealth but whether such an arrangement is appropriate for the many different classes of investors is another thing. The monolines have the capacity to absorb some level of loss but their interests are more akin to those of the individual par buyer. The deep discount hedge fund investors with a shorter time horizon have a much different set of ideas as to what is an acceptable outcome. Full repayment may never have been their actual goal. Many holders of COFINA sales tax debt will be greatly disappointed to be treated as general creditors after the Commonwealth went to such pains to market the bonds as such a distinct credit. Investors in all classes will likely never achieve certainty about the actual validity and value of the Commonwealth’s long standing ‘constitutional pledge” supporting GO debt and its ability to “clawback” taxes pledged to other debt for repayment.  It will probably be an unsatisfactory outcome for many which means it’s likely to be viewed in the long run as a good deal for the Commonwealth.


As we enter the final month of the year, a few trends are emerging reflecting the uncertainty around the economy and timing of an interest rate increase. These are having a direct impact on the market, the profitability of market makers, the appetite for bonds, and the ability to transact high yield credits in the new issue market.  Prominent among these is the decline in trading activity and its implicit impact on liquidity. Municipal bond trading declined in every month through September and even with a slight increase in October remained some 17% below average monthly volume. For the year, monthly trading declined 34% from January to October.

The decline in activity has obviously made it more difficult for the more marginal players and those without robust investment banking capabilities. Retail oriented shops are having a much more difficult time. Concurrently, the reduced number of outlets overall has made it harder for portfolio managers to transact and to make room for new issues. This has reduced the overall appetite for bonds and made it harder for large year-end high yield issue to be absorbed resulting in some cancellations of sales.

What does this all imply for credit? Investors must be much more selective in their choice of higher yielding bonds. It will be harder going forward to manage this risk, especially in the more speculative segments of the credit spectrum. At the same time, the results of the Puerto Rico debt restructuring could still have an impact on spreads as the market values the results and then weighs relative risks of different credit classes accordingly. None of these issues are likely to increase liquidity thus exacerbating the existing inertia in the market. It continues to be a time for caution with rates at absolute lows and spreads remaining tight.


In an unexpected development, a plan to cut property taxes statewide moved near collapse this past weekend, imperiling with it the tentative budget deal struck this month by Gov. Wolf and leaders of the Republican-led legislature. Without the property-tax reduction – a key feature of the $30 billion state spending plan – “the whole agreement fails,” said one high-ranking Democratic official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

The budget plan presented by Gov. Wolf and GOP leaders in the legislature had called for a rise in the state sales tax from 6 percent to 7.25 percent. The $2 billion it was projected to generate was expected to increase school funding and offset a reduction in property taxes – the primary funding source for local school districts. But neither side has detailed how the education funds will be distributed, the form of property-tax relief or other key concepts in their deal – reform of the state’s pension system and state sales of wine and liquor.

In a letter to his Democratic caucus Saturday, House Minority Leader Frank Dermody (D., Allegheny) said Republican leaders told Wolf late in the week that they could not muster the votes among their members to pass the property-tax plan. “By failing to deliver the votes for the framework they agreed to, the Republican leaders would effectively kill the property-tax relief envisioned as part of the framework,” the letter said. Republicans acknowledged the new hurdle but strove to paint less of a doomsday scenario. “We are going to continue to work on the other segments of the agreement and hopefully bring it to closure,” said Drew Crompton, the Senate’s top Republican lawyer.

Five months into the impasse that has left schools, nonprofits, and other agencies turning to loans and credit to stay afloat, the two parties hailed what they said would be a historic agreement to help fund schools and shift away from the long-term reliance on the property-tax burden. The plan might have lowered property taxes a minimum of 20 percent and a maximum of 40 percent from current rates.

Strains in the agreement became evident  – and may have been worsened – last week, when the Senate unexpectedly let it be known that it intended to vote on a bill that would eliminate property taxes altogether. Its sponsor predicted it would pass. Members of the GOP House caucus were always skeptical of the so-called framework, but said that skepticism turned into opposition for some when it became apparent that the Senate was on the verge of passing a bill to eliminate property taxes altogether. On Monday night, the Senate took up a proposal designed to eliminate school district property taxes by raising the sales and personal income taxes, a plan Mr. Wolf cited as one that he opposed. Members tied 24-24 on a preliminary vote on the proposal, and Lt. Gov. Mike Stack broke the tie by voting no. A similar measure has failed in the House in the past.

New proposals being considered include expanding the list of items that would be subject to the sales tax. As it stands now, there are dozens of exemptions to the sales tax. Whether the Governor would agree is questionable – he campaigned last year on a pledge to provide significant property-tax relief. A new tax on natural gas drilling remains off limits in the negotiations.
Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.


Muni Credit News November 19, 2015

Joseph Krist

Municipal Credit Consultant


U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said that he will convene a hearing on Puerto Rico’s fiscal situation on Tuesday, Dec. 1, at 10 a.m. Grassley said his goal is to help committee members and the public identify and gain a better understanding of the root cause of Puerto Rico’s fiscal problems, discuss what’s currently being done, and consider what options are available that could help Puerto Rico get itself out of the present situation.

The Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction over bankruptcy policy, which the commonwealth has implemented efforts to be included in, but Grassley has reiterated that restructuring debt and throwing taxpayer money at the island, without ensuring the creation and implementation of structural and fiscal reform, fails to resolve the underlying problems in Puerto Rico required to create economic growth. Witnesses for the hearing will be announced at a later date.

In the meantime, PREPA announced that it has executed an amendment to its previously announced restructuring support agreement (“RSA”) with the Ad Hoc Group of PREPA bondholders, comprising traditional municipal bond investors and hedge funds, its fuel line lenders and the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico. The amendment extends the deadline for PREPA to reach an agreement with the monoline bond insurers on a consensual recovery plan to November 20, 2015. PREPA will use the extension to continue discussions with its monoline bond insurers, while the legislative process to approve the PREPA Revitalization Act continues.

Puerto Rico Senate President Eduardo Bhatia Gautier said it will be hard to pass the energy bill presented on Nov. 4 to restructure the island’s energy sector by the current deadline of the end of Thursday. If it is not approved by then, the governor will ask for an extraordinary legislative session to handle the matter, he said. The extraordinary session could be either in November or in December.

Gov. Alejandro García Padilla said if bondholders don’t agree to new terms on their debt, he will choose to pay for the needs of the people before paying the commonwealth’s creditors. The governor said that he has called for negotiations with bondholders, proposed a five year plan, and is working to assure future responsible Puerto Rico policies, according to a government transcript. Referring to the bondholders, he said, “If you don’t negotiate and I am obligated to choose between the creditors and the Puerto Rican people, I’m going to pay the Puerto Ricans.”

The government has said it is running low on money. There have been locally-based news stories about talk of a partial government closure or a cut of Christmas bonuses for government workers to deal with the financial crisis. “We are evaluating all of the mechanisms, like we said before, to avoid reducing the workday, government shutdown or stopping payments on the debt,” García Padilla said, according to the government. “What [Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico President] Melba Acosta, [Secretary of the Treasury Juan] Zaragoza, and [Office of Management and Budget Director] Luis Cruz all said is what the numbers say. If we don’t come up with extraordinary mechanisms, uncommon and abnormal in the government, those things, like partial shutdown, workday reduction, etcetera can happen.”

If the governor chose to allow a default and use government’s revenues for other purposes, it may put him at odds with Section 8 of Puerto Rico’s constitution, which states: “In case the available revenues including surplus for any fiscal year are insufficient to meet the appropriations made for that year, interest on the public debt and amortization thereof shall first be paid, and other disbursements shall thereafter be made in accordance with the order of priorities established by law.”

Acosta seemed to present a different approach to the government’s impending debt payments. In testimony to a joint hearing of two Puerto Rico House of Representatives committees, she said the payment of debts on Dec. 1 and Jan. 1 have the highest priority for payment, according to the El Nuevo Día news web site. Puerto Rico’s GDB owes $354 million in debt on Dec. 1. According to Moody’s, $273 million of this sum has a constitutional guarantee and $81 million does not. Puerto Rico also owes $330 million in general obligation debt Jan. 1.

Acosta told the legislators that the government is likely to make the Dec. 1 payment, according to El Nuevo Día. The debt is insured, she said. She said that the government was in talks to make the payment but did not further explain the talks. Moody’s however released a short report saying it thought a default on at least some of the Dec. 1 debt service was likely.

At the hearing House President Jaime Perelló Borrás said that the government should prioritize remaining fully open and paying Christmas bonuses and delayed tax refunds and supplier bills before the bond debt. Perelló Borras is in the same party as the governor, the Popular Democratic Party. Not making the December and January bond payments would lead to further major complications, Acosta said, according to El Nuevo Día. Acosta also said the government would present a proposal for restructuring the debt to the bondholders as we go to press.


The Illinois Finance Authority passed a resolution to ask its Board to provide the Executive Director, and 23 relevant staff with Authority, to use the State Procurement Code to explore the market to see if there will be any lenders that will, in essence, loan the Illinois Finance Authority money so that it may be of assistance, in connection with paying state bills, in connection with the state budget  impasse. Illinois Finance Authority was among a large number of state agencies that were asked to explore options. The resolution points to three statutory powers that the General Assembly  has provided to IFA: Statutory lien, statutory  non-impairment, and the statutory authority to provide up to around $100,000,000 in moral  obligation debt, which was a  form of statutory taxpayer guarantee.

The resolution would authorize an emergency purchase under the procurement code to competitively select and enter into contracts with necessary parties, including but not limited to lenders, underwriters, trustees or paying agents, servicers, printers, road show providers, and/or rating agencies, to finance one or more projects authorized under the Illinois Finance Authority act, including public purpose projects, the proceeds of which will be used to address one or more of the following in the absence of an enacted appropriation for fiscal year 2016, a court order or a consent decree: (i) threat(s) to public health or public safety, (ii) if immediate expenditure is necessary for repairs to state property in order to protect against further loss or damage to state property, (iii) to prevent or minimize serious disruption of critical state services that affect health, safety, or collection of substantial state revenues, or (iv) to ensure the integrity of state records; and other matters related thereto adopted.

In plain English, the Authority would borrow money to pay state bills which could not otherwise be paid without adoption of a state budget. It is yet another sign of the dire straits in which Illinois finds its credit position.


On November 10, 2015, Moody’s released a scenario analysis of the City of Chicago’s (Ba1 negative) possible pension funding paths. The scenarios incorporate the city’s recently adopted property tax increase as well as the outcomes of two key decisions pending with the State of Illinois and the Illinois Supreme Court. The analysis indicates that, despite significantly increasing its contributions to its pension plans, Chicago’s unfunded pension liabilities could grow, at a minimum, for another ten years.

“Chicago’s statutory pension contributions will remain insufficient to arrest growth in unfunded pension liabilities for many years under each scenario,” Moody’s says in the new report.” The scenario that Moody’s views as having the most positive credit impact for Chicago consists of a favorable Illinois Supreme Court decision, as the city’s budget assumes, but state legislative action that does not conform to the city’s adopted plan. Senate Bill 777 has been passed by the Illinois General Assembly, but requires the governor’s approval to become law. The bill lowers Chicago’s current statutory public safety pension contributions relative to existing statute, granting the city more time to meet statutory funding targets. Without Senate Bill 777, the city’s 2016 statutory pension contribution will be much higher than the city has budgeted.

“This scenario is the most credit positive over the long term. Although it would require larger pension contributions than currently budgeted, the higher payments would achieve the slowest and least extensive growth in unfunded liabilities among the four scenarios,” Moody’s says.

The city’s adopted budget assumes the governor signs Senate Bill 777 and the Illinois Supreme Court reinstates PA 98-0641, the latter of which would preserve benefit reform of Municipal and Laborer pensions and reduce the plans’ risk of insolvency. While the adopted budget notably increases the city’s pension contributions relative to prior years, the amounts contributed under these assumptions could enable unfunded pension liabilities to grow for up to 20 years.

Two other scenarios assume an unfavorable ruling from the Illinois Supreme Court, which would raise the possibility of substantial cost growth for the city over the next decade, with or without Senate Bill 777. “This would exert additional negative credit pressure on Chicago’s credit quality because it would likely remove all flexibility to reduce unfunded liabilities through benefit reform and raise the probability of plan insolvency,” says Moody’s.


With the debt crisis in Puerto Rico about to come to a head, many references are made to the NYC financial crisis which this month marks its 40th anniversary. A seminal event in the history of the municipal bond market, it opened an era of regulation, disclosure, and reform that continues to this day. It can be said to have led to improved (not perfect) financial disclosures and practices and spawned a generation of municipal analysts who expected and demanded a more transparent credit environment on behalf of all segments of the market. It is easy to forget how bad the situation was and how much was accomplished over the following four decades.

New York City faced a significant fiscal crisis and effectively defaulted in 1975 because it had literally run out of money and could not pay for normal operating expenses. Timely state and federal action saved the city from defaulting on its obligations and possible bankruptcy. At the time, New York City and its subdivisions had $14 billion of debt outstanding of which almost $6 billion was short-term. The city admitted to an operating deficit of at least $600 million, although modern  accounting methods would have produced a deficit of something along the lines of $2.2 billion. The city was effectively shut out from credit markets.

The city had used obsolete and confusing budgeting and accounting gimmicks for over a decade including: overly optimistic forecasts of revenues, reliance on revenue anticipation notes, including notes for revenues that did not materialize, underfunding of pensions, use of funds raised for capital expenditures for operating costs, and the appropriation of illusory fund balances, meaning that special fund revenues were overestimated and used to balance the budget. Finally in February 1975 a sale of tax anticipation notes was canceled when the underwriter backed out. In the meantime, banks began selling their own holdings of city securities.

In March of 1975, underwriters were growing more and more resistant to working with the city on any more debt issuance.  Bond counsel would not issue a clean opinion on a sale, which was necessary for reselling the notes and bonds  and doubts had arisen that bondholders could exercise their first lien on city revenues. Then, the New York State Urban Development Corporation defaulted on some bond anticipation notes. Although the corporation was separate from the city, the projects of the corporation were in the city. Investor concerns grew when the legislature made sure that the suppliers and contractors were paid but not the bondholders (the infamous moratorium).

The city attempted to move debt off its own balance sheet and stretch out their maturity through a separate corporation, the Stabilization Reserve Corporation, to hold the city’s debt. This move was challenged as an unconstitutional attempt to get around the City’s statutory debt limit. The city was forced to drop the plan. By April 1975, the city was out of money. After lengthy negotiations, underwriters agreed to underwrite more securities provided that the city adopted sound accounting principles, admitted that it had large operating deficits, and ended its budget ploys, including the practice of phony forecasts of revenues. But the City resisted.

The Municipal Assistance Corporation (MAC) was an independent corporation authorized to sell bonds to meet the borrowing needs of the city. MAC was a creation and entity of the state. The majority of appointees on the Corporation’s Board were made by the Governor. As part of the creation of MAC, the state passed legislation that converted the city’s sales and stock transfer taxes into state taxes. These taxes were then used as security for the MAC bonds without ever passing through to the city. Besides creating the MAC, the state also advanced additional funds. The state prepaid state aid that the city was scheduled to get during the fiscal year, in an attempt to keep the city afloat. The MAC demanded that the city institute a wage freeze, lay off employees, increase subway fares, and begin charging tuition at city universities. Despite a summer of labor unrest, these measures stuck and MAC was able to refinance some city debt.

The Emergency Financial Control Board (EFCB) was created in September during a special legislative session. It was analogous to putting the city into receivership. The EFCB had authority over the finances of the city. It could control the city’s bank accounts, issue orders to city officials, remove them from office, and press charges against city officials. The Governor made the majority of appointments to the Board. The state law creating the EFCB required the city to balance its budget within three years, change its accounting, and submit a three-year financial plan. The Board had the power to review and reject the city’s financial plan, operating and capital budgets, contracts negotiated with the public employees unions, and all municipal borrowing. Besides creation of the control board,  a deputy state comptroller was appointed to audit city books. The Mayor’s Management Advisory Board California Research Bureau, was created and staffed by business representatives to advise the mayor on management practices. The temporary Commission on City Finances was established to analyze, criticize, and recommend changes in the city’s long-range taxation and expenditures policies.

Only after all of this did the City receive assistance from the Federal Government. In November of 1975. Federal legislation extending up to $2.3 billion of short-term loans to the city was passed. The House of Representatives passed the aid package by a 10 vote margin. The city was forced to hike fees for services, especially for the city university and the subway. Other services were cut. The city’s work force was trimmed and a wage increase was rescinded. Up to 40 percent of the assets of the city pension fund were invested in MAC securities. The state pension fund also invested in MAC securities. A total of $2.7 billion of city debt was bought by the pension funds.

The banks who had served as the underwriters for New York’s securities agreed to purchase additional securities and/or lengthen the maturity or lower the interest rate on the securities that they held. Other holders of securities had to exchange them for ten-year MAC securities or face a three-year moratorium on the repayment of principal on the notes. The banks turned in $819 million in notes for MAC debt and restructured the interest and maturities of the other debt they held. The budget had to be balanced using generally accepted accounting principles. Most notable of these were the elimination of financing operations from capital funds and a requirement that the city fully fund its pension plans. The First Deputy Mayor, Deputy Mayor for Finance, and the budget director all had to resign so that trustworthy staff could be appointed. The federal loans were made at 1 percentage point over the cost of funds to the federal government.

The city kept its part of the bargain in dealing with public employees. City employment fell by 20 percent and work rules were loosened. Wages were reduced and eventual raises were held below the level of inflation. By 1977-78, the city had no short-term debt. As part of its obligation imposed by the federal government, the state assumed the full cost of financing the city university system (leading to the imposition of tuition) and a portion of welfare and court systems. The state also tightened controls over Medicaid reimbursements to health care providers.

This history is something to keep in mind as the market deals with Puerto Rico. These steps outlined above were painful for the City and its residents over a long time period. Puerto Rico would be wise to understand this history as its continues to demand a relatively pain-free exit from its own legacy of irresponsibility and mismanagement. Talk of prioritizing things like Christmas bonuses ahead of debt service shows a fundamental lack of maturity and seriousness on the part of the Commonwealth’s political leadership. The use of inflammatory rhetoric like that of the Commonwealth’s representative to Congress this week in which he likens the requirement for a federal control board to colonialism would be laughable if it were not so sad. If Puerto Rico does not want to be treated as the equivalent of a financial child, it needs to grow up an act like a financial adult.

Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.

Muni Credit News November 12, 2015

Joseph Krist

Municipal Credit Consultant


Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s (Aa3 negative) pre-default intercept programs for school districts to A3 from A2. As a result of the downgrade of the programs, 13 pre-default intercept ratings on Pennsylvania school districts were lowered to A3 from A2 and the ratings put under review for further downgrade. This action affects the State Public School Building Authority Lease Revenue Intercept Program (Sec. 785) and the Pennsylvania School District Fiscal Agent Agreement Intercept Program (Sec. 633).

The downgrade of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s pre-default school district intercept program, and 13 ratings under the program, is a consequence of the commonwealth’s chronically late budgets and the lack of clarity surrounding the intercept program’s mechanical feasibility in the absence of an approved and implemented budget. While the commonwealth is expected to cover any missed debt service payments on enhanced bonds, the current lengthy budget impasse has heightened risks to bondholders, and raises doubt about whether the pre-default mechanisms will work effectively every time without funds appropriated to districts.

The confirmed cap of A3 on school district bonds enhanced on a post-default basis (Pennsylvania Act 150 School District Intercept Program) also reflects the increased risks to bondholders given state budget delays, as well as competing claims for state aid from pre-default obligations, pensions, and charter school tuition. The downgrade of 11 post default ratings reflects revising the potential uplift from a district’s underlying rating to one notch from the previous two notches. The decision to limit the uplift to at most one notch is based on Moody’s post-default scoring method, which considers such factors as the timing of and trends in state aid distributions, and the mechanics of the program. More specifically, this change reflects a lack of funding and an increasing uncertainty surrounding program mechanics in the absence of a state budget.

In the meantime, negotiations over a budget are heating up and details of some proposals have begun leaking out. The two major points are that production of natural gas will continue to escape taxation while more of the new revenue burden will be shifted to individuals through and increase in the retail sales tax rate from 6% to 7.25%. This would result in a total sales tax rate of 8.25% in Pittsburgh and 9% in Philadelphia. These changes are designed to support increased funding to school districts but it does not appear to tie in directly to local property tax relief to slow rapid increases in many districts. Should the budget be enacted along these lines it would be a clear win for business interests with at best, mixed results for individuals.


The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) reached a restructuring support agreement (RSA) with the Ad Hoc Group of PREPA Bondholders last week, just after we went to press. The Ad Hoc Group’s financial adviser said legislation on the public utility’s revitalization must be approved “this month.” The government submitted the PREPA Revitalization Act to the Puerto Rico Legislature. However, the last day for the Legislature to pass bills during the present session is Nov. 12, giving lawmakers only one week to analyze and pass the measure.

The basic terms of the agreement include:

The Ad Hoc Group will exchange all of their debt for new securitization notes and receive 85% of their existing claims in new securitization bonds, which must receive an investment grade rating.

Bondholders will have the option to receive securitization bonds that will pay cash interest at a rate of 4.0% – 4.75% (depending on the rating obtained) (“Option A Bonds”) or convertible capital appreciation securitization bonds that will accrete interest at a rate of 4.5% – 5.5% for the first five years and pay current interest in cash thereafter (“Option B Bonds”).

Option A Bonds will pay interest only for the first five years, and Option B Bonds will accrete interest but not receive any cash interest during the first five years.

All uninsured bondholders will have an opportunity to participate in the exchange.

Ad Hoc Group will negotiate with PREPA in good faith to backstop a financing on terms to be mutually agreed that will allow for a cash tender for bonds held by non-forbearing creditors.

Fuel line lenders will have the option to convert existing credit agreements into term loans with a fixed interest rate of 5.75% per annum, to be repaid over 6 years in accordance with an agreed upon schedule or exchange all or part of principal due under the existing credit agreements for new securitization bonds to be issued on the same terms described above.

PREPA’s debts owed to the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico will be treated in substantially the same manner as those owed to the fuel line lenders.

The PREPA Bondholder Group’s financial adviser said,  “We are pleased to be able to make official what we believe is a reasonable deal with substantial concessions from bondholders that will significantly benefit the people of Puerto Rico. It has not been easy to get to this point and meaningful sacrifices have been made on the part of bondholders. We hope that this agreement can be an example to others of the positive outcome that can be realized through committed negotiation – and that PREPA and its remaining creditor constituencies can now reach similarly fair and reasonable solutions.”

Bondholders are taking substantial risk by agreeing to set rates until the deal is implemented, the bondholder group said. The transaction outlined by the RSA must be executed by June 30, 2016, as further delay could materially change the economic terms agreed to by both sides. This deadline represents an extension of the initial timeline by the PREPA bondholder group. The transaction is also contingent on PREPA coming to an agreement with its bond insurer constituencies.

The restructuring support agreement provides a structured framework to implement the previously announced economic agreements, and is designed to provide PREPA with five-year debt service relief of more than $700 million and a permanent reduction in PREPA’s principal debt burden of more than $600 million, according to a PREPA statement. The agreement also outlines other elements of PREPA’s recovery plan, including new governance standards, operational improvements, rate structure proposal and a capital plan.


As time goes on, the Brownback administration looks more and more like Ahab in pursuit of the whale in its pursuit of its tax based economic policy. The report for October for the State’s General Fund reports another shortfall in revenues versus expectations. The continued reductions in income taxes simply have not translated into the higher levels of jobs and economic activity that the administration premised its tax cut program on. While some of the shortfalls can be attributed to continued lower oil and gas prices in this natural gas state, the data shows that this is not the predominant factor.

Total tax revenues are 3.8% below estimates for the fiscal year through October 31. The largest proportion is the decline in the retail sales tax. This tax is historically an excellent indicator of current economic activity and these are running 4.2% below estimates. Now the economy in Kansas is showing positive activity relative to fiscal 2015 – tax revenues are up 2.8% year over year. But it is clear that the state’s ability to predict revenues has not improved leading to the need for mid-year budget adjustments usually in the form of cuts to local aid especially for schools.

So the song remains the same for Kansas. The great tax cut experiment continues, the State’s budget continues to be tight and under pressure, and local units especially school districts must try to plan with the constant threat of additional cuts hanging over them. All in all, this is not a formula for credit stability in the Sunflower State.


The largest deal to hit the U.S. municipal market next week is $1.75 billion of private activity bonds to help fund All Aboard Florida, a 235-mile (378 km) passenger rail project that will connect Miami to Orlando. The bonds will be sold by the Florida Development Finance Corporation, a state authorized issuer of industrial revenue bonds, and the sale will be managed by Bank of America Merrill Lynch. All Aboard Florida is a privately owned, operated and maintained passenger rail system with stations planned in Miami to Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and the Orlando International Airport. The express train is expected to take approximately three hours, move at speeds up to 125 mph, and be completed by early 2017.

The transaction has met a mixed reaction with potential investors. The market for high speed rail service in Florida is speculative (a nice word for untested). We have reviewed a summary of the feasibility study produced for the project and it raises a number of questions in our mind. Our experience tells that that demand studies for controversial projects (and this one is) often rely on small sample sizes relative to projected usage which often accounts for why actual usage on transportation projects often falls short of projections.

In this case, 1,800 stated-preference surveys and 10,800 origin and destination surveys were conducted to confirm travel behavior, preferences, and willingness to pay. This is out of a projected ridership of 5.7 million in the first year of stabilized operations in 2020. Revenues are projected to rise by 3.8% annually through 2030. All of this relies on projections that gas prices will remain at a steady $4 per gallon even though recent experience tells that gas prices are very volatile and that the current environment supports a price at only 50% of that level in many areas.

According to the study, introduction of a new mode of travel, particularly premium rail service which is more convenient and improves travel time, can often encourage travelers to make trips they may not have made in the absence of the new service. This is called induced ridership. Previous studies have found that the introduction of intercity rail service can result in levels of induced travel ranging from 5 percent to 30 percent. Most of this is attributed to longer trips such as from Miami to Orlando. In this project, that better be true as the bulk of revenues are projected to be derived from long distance trips.

The proposed timing of the deal reflects a number of factors which have often aligned ultimately against a successful outcome for bondholders. One is absolute market levels, relative credit spreads reflecting those absolute levels and the demand for high yield product, and the municipal market’s proclivity for underpricing credit risk during periods of low absolute yields and demand for product to supply the plethora of high yield funds out there.

Our view is that this transaction should be approached extremely cautiously and that potential buyers should hold out for the highest possible spread and be prepared to walk away if it’s not provided. In this case walking may be a better alternative than taking the train.

Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.

Muni Credit News November 5, 2015

Joseph Krist

Municipal Credit Consultant


The Arizona legislature approved a package of bills last week that could provide $3.5 billion to K-12 schools over 10 years to settle a five-year-old lawsuit that had been filed by several school districts after the state refused to make inflation-adjusted payments during the worst years of the recession. The package passed with limited support from Democrats. Only one part of the deal, which increases base-level funding per student by $173, was unanimously endorsed by both parties. Democratic lawmakers, as well as educators, argued that the package failed to address how, or if, the state will seek to add more funding to the schools later on. The bill was supported by direct lobbying by Republican Gov. Doug Ducey. “With this permanent infusion of dollars into our schools that schools can spend as they see fit on their needs, educators will finally have the resources they have been asking for and our students will have greater opportunities to succeed,” Mr. Ducey said.

Legislative passage is the first step – the bills will require voter approval in a special election, scheduled for May 17 in a state that has the lowest rate of spending per student in the country. An analysis by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, released in August, showed the state’s current budget for K-12 schools at $3,437 per student — still 19.2 percent lower than it was in 2005, when adjusted for inflation. The plan to add the additional $3.5 billion relies on increasing the percentage of money taken from a trust fund that holds proceeds from the sale of state land. If voters approve the plan, the state’s 238 school districts will share in a $249 million payment by June 30, or an additional $226 per student — still not enough to lift Arizona from the bottom of rankings on student funding and teacher pay.

Despite recent infusions of cash, many school districts are still struggling to pay for their most basic needs, like new textbooks. Some schools also need additional teachers to handle a surge in enrollment driven primarily by a rise in the number of Latino students, who at 44 percent are already the largest ethnic group in the state’s public education system. The superintendent of the Peoria Unified School District, said the money “will not replace the $218 million we have reduced from our budget over the last nine years, but it is a welcome bandage to slow the hemorrhaging.” The timing of the bill’s passage is problematic for 50 of the state’s 238 school districts that are asking voters to approve property tax increases to provide additional money for local schools, a mechanism known here as overrides.

The upcoming vote will highlight a classic problem in terms of local school funding where there are high proportions of older residents. One example is Apache Junction Unified School District, 35 miles east of Phoenix, a lower-middle-class suburb filled with retirees and voters who have repeatedly rejected requests to increase property taxes to pay for local schools. Last year, 91 percent of all ballots were cast by voters at least 50 years old, and the district’s override request, its fifth in eight years, lost by 1,881 votes. The odds seemed stacked against it once again this year: More than 90 percent of voters who had mailed in early ballots by Oct. 23 were at least 50 years old, according to official statistics. Opposition is summed up by the reaction of one 85 year old resident who said “I voted no, hell no.”  The override would be in effect for seven years and, he said: “I don’t know how they can guarantee it’s not going to pad the superintendent’s salary. We’re all struggling. When is enough enough?”


Another test of the use of Chapter 9 bankruptcy versus judgment bonds or other mechanisms will be given a hearing in December. The Sixth Circuit U.S. Bankruptcy Court held a preliminary hearing on October 6, 2015 on the Memorandum of Facts and Authorities in Support of Statement of Qualifications  filed by the City of Hillview and the Objection of Truck America Training, LLC to the Chapter 9 Petition Filed By the City of Hillview, Kentucky filed by Creditor, Truck America Training, LLC. It determined that an evidentiary hearing should be conducted at 9:00 a.m. on December 9, 2015 and at 9:00 a.m. on December 10, 2015 in the United States Bankruptcy Court, Louisville, Kentucky. The City filed after Truck America won a $14.5 million judgment against the City which has some $1 million of outstanding debt.


The U.S. Supreme Court will decide by December whether it will take up the case of Puerto Rico’s local bankruptcy law, which federal district and appeals courts have overturned as unconstitutional. Puerto Rico enacted Act 71 of 2014, or the Puerto Rico Public Corporation Debt Compliance & Recovery Act, in the summer of 2014, which is applicable to some $20 billion of public corporation debt, to address the fact that P.R. is specifically barred from accessing U.S. municipal bankruptcy protection. Officials said they needed the law to bring Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) creditors to the table because the electric utility was running out of cash to keep operating.

Two of the largest PREPA investors immediately challenged the constitutionality of the law, and it was subsequently declared unconstitutional. Since then, the government has been waging additional court battles to try to enable the law to take effect while lobbying Congress to extend chapter 9 protections to its public corporations and municipalities. The Puerto Rico government appealed in July to the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that it has the power to legislate on bankruptcy matters related to its public corporations after the U.S. Congress, for unclear reasons, excluded the island in 1984 from the protections afforded by Chapter 9 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. Prior to that, Puerto Rico enjoyed access to Chapter 9 since 1938.

A three-judge panel of the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston in July upheld a ruling by a federal district court in which the recovery act was declared unconstitutional. Two PREPA bondholders, Blue Mountain and Franklin Advisors, filed opposition briefs to the petition last week. The companies reportedly allege that there are no debatable constitutional issues and that PREPA and its creditors are about to reach a deal to restructure the utility’s $9 billion debt. In fact, PREPA announced late Friday that the ad hoc group of bondholders and fuel line lenders have extended their forbearance agreements until Nov. 3.

PREPA will use the extension to finalize its agreements with the forbearing creditors and continue discussions with its monoline bond insurers. “As we continue our efforts to transform PREPA, this extension affords us additional time to continue constructive negotiations with our key creditors,” said Harry Rodríguez, chairman of PREPA’s governing board. “Working with our creditors to restructure PREPA’s debt is an important component of our comprehensive plan that shares the burden of addressing PREPA’s finances among all stakeholders. We look forward to continuing to make progress towards this transformation which will create a better future for PREPA and provide Puerto Ricans the economical, safe and reliable utility they are asking for.”

Some $128 million of short-term bridge bonds, which carry a yield-to-maturity rate of 12%, are scheduled to be paid in full by Dec. 15.


The changes in the healthcare landscape have brought additional pressure and scrutiny to certain hospital sectors. One of the most vulnerable is the facility serving a smaller rural population characterized by vulnerable and less stable underlying economics. One of those entities was the Sierra Kings Hospital District. California hospital districts have long been under pressure and several have availed themselves of Chapter 9 protection. In 2009, Sierra Kings was one of those. In the fourth quarter of 2011, it closed on the sale of its hospital which it had directly operated since 1965 to Adventist Health. As a part of the bankruptcy proceedings, the statutory lien of the District’s ad valorem taxes which are pledged to debt service was affirmed. All claims which were affirmed in the proceedings were finally paid in full by September 30 of this year.

Now that the bankruptcy has been fully dealt with and an operating track record under the new structure established, the District has obtained a newly upgraded investment grade rating from Moody’s and plans to return to the market. The upgrade reflects 100% repayment to its creditors as per its plan of adjustment and the relief of the district of any of the day to day responsibilities of managing the hospital or attendant employees. The District plans to issue $27,040,000 of general obligation bonds secured by a pledge of the statutorily secured tax revenues of the District. For the District, the timing is favorable with rates remaining low and new issue volume remaining constrained.


The continuing budget standoff has resulted in additional pressure on the ratings of the various units of the state’s public university system. While the ratings of the main campus in Champaign-Urbana and at Illinois State were maintained, the other five units saw their ratings downgraded by Moody’s. The reduced cash flow that results from the lack of a budget has kept the ratings of the universities on a negative outlook. For two campuses, the next move is to below investment grade. Unfortunately this negative trend has not induced the governor and the legislature to settle their differences.


Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.

Muni Credit News October 29, 2015

Joseph Krist

Municipal Credit Consultant


After advising and standing back from direct involvement, the Obama administration has finally offered a plan for consideration by Congress to address Puerto Rico’s debt disaster. The plan would create new territorial bankruptcy rights and impose new fiscal oversight on Puerto Rico. But it requires cooperation from a Republican-led Congress bent on imposing spending restraint. Given the current state of Republican dysfunction in Congress, the likelihood of adoption is not high.

In describing the package, administration officials emphasized that they had exhausted the limits of their own authority to help Puerto Rico, and needed action by Congress to avoid a catastrophe. “Administrative actions cannot solve the crisis,” Jacob J. Lew, the Treasury secretary, said in a joint statement with Jeffrey D. Zients, the National Economic Council director, and Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the health and human services secretary. “Only Congress has the authority to provide Puerto Rico with the necessary tools to address its near-term challenges and promote long- growth”.

The administration is attempting to jumpstart consideration of the plan by calling Puerto Rico’s situation a humanitarian crisis. One senior administration official said the situation in Puerto Rico “risks turning into a humanitarian crisis as early as this winter”. That official was quoted anonymously in the press as saying that the Puerto Rican government has already “done a lot” to restore fiscal order but “Puerto Rico cannot do it on its own, and the United States government has a responsibility to 3.5 million Americans living in Puerto Rico” to step in with additional help.

Whether that is the case is open to debate. At the same time its administration allies were making the humanitarian case, the Government Development Bank said it had ended weeks of negotiations with certain creditors, aimed at persuading them to voluntarily accept lower bond payments. The bank has a bond payment of about $300 million coming due on Dec. 1.

It is our cynical view that the GDB never expected the negotiations to produce a settlement. The view that Puerto Rico has done all that it can is not shared here or by many others. For example, even the front man for PR’s efforts in Congress –  territorial  representative Pedro Pierluisi –  told Congress last week “the Puerto Rico government must break its entrenched spending habits, which have not adjusted to changing economic and demographic realities. Our government must be a better steward of funds received from taxpayers and lenders, accounting for every dollar it spends. The local tax system requires reform, because it is complicated and unfair. Some taxpayers owe too little, while others owe too much. And the government does a poor job of collecting what it levies.”

We think that real financial disclosure and a viable structure for accounting for and collecting revenues are the bare minimum required for debt holders to make any concessions let alone any of significance. Even Bernie Sanders called for more disclosure and transparency in a letter last week that effectively criticized debt holders as vultures seeking to starve children.


Chicago’s City Council approved a budget Wednesday that includes a massive property tax hike and other fees to help close a shortfall and improve the city’s underfunded pension system. The  $543 million property tax increase was for police and fire pensions, along with a separate $45 million property tax hike for school construction, a $9.50 monthly household garbage pickup charge and other fees. The property tax will be phased in over four years, with the largest chunk — $318 million — added to property tax bills payable in August 2016. That increase will be followed by successive increases of $109 million payable in 2017, $53 million payable in 2018 and $63 million added to the property tax bill due in 2019.

The proposal has state legislative approval but Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner has not been supportive of a tax increase. For the plan to be implemented, Gov. Bruce Rauner must sign the legislation that would give Chicago 15 more years to ramp up to 90 percent funding level for the pension funds. Business groups and a renters’ association have testified at the Capitol against the exemption, saying the property tax hike would get passed on to consumers and renters. One of Chicago’s difficulties in addressing its budget and pension problems has been the need for legislative approval. The legislatures unwillingness to approve actions taken by the City is just another indication of its lack of courage in dealing with the State’s problems.

For the owner of a home worth $250,000, the annual property tax bill will be roughly $550 more. Over four years, a homeowner’s property tax bill could rise 13% more. This is only the second increase in property tax rates in the City since 1987. The garbage collection fee, common in the suburbs, is a first for Chicago. It will be added to water bills that arrive in mailboxes every other month.


While the City of Chicago has been constructing a budget, it has also been taking advantage of the current interest rate environment to fix the cost of its debt. As of this month, the City has now converted to a fixed interest rate 100% of its GO, sales tax, and wastewater debt. We have seen other troubled credits with weak fundamentals also be saddled with variable rate interest exposure. The removal of this risk allows at least that one aspect of the City’s debt burden to be a lessened source of pressure on the City’s ratings. If the tax increase is finally implemented, the downward momentum impacting the City’s credit would be slowed.


The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will likely enter its fifth month without a resolution of its budget impasse. In spite of rising difficulties for localities, school districts, and social service providers, the Pennsylvania Senate adjourned for two weeks as of yesterday. While negotiations will likely continue at the staff level and the Senate could be recalled to approve legislation in the event of an agreement, the decision to adjourn is telling. State Auditor Eugene DePasquale warned that the state’s schools were approaching a half-billion dollars in borrowed money simply to stay open. Those costs, he said, could double if there’s not a budget by Thanksgiving. The Philadelphia School District has already borrowed $275 million for cash flow.
Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.

Muni Credit News October 22, 2015

Joseph Krist

Municipal Credit Consultant


The Illinois legislature reconvened this week in another effort to craft a FY 2016 budget. The ongoing linkage between the Governor’s desire for policy changes in the management of the state labor force and a resolution of the state budget stalemate has come into clearer focus. As much as old-time politics has influenced the legislative side of the budget equation, Governor Rauner’s stubbornness in holding out for politically charged changes in union bargaining rights and work rule issues have come to be viewed as serious obstacles to resolution of the stalemate.

The fact that 90% of state spending is mandated statutorily or by the courts (including debt service payment) is unfortunately contributing to the entrenched stances of both sides. There are items that are not being paid. State Comptroller Leslie Munger said  Illinois will have to delay a $560 million November payment to its pension funds, and may also delay or reduce a similar payment in December. This reflects reduced cash flow associated with the lack of a budget. State pension funds will be paid in full by the time fiscal 2016 ends on June 30 using money from higher cash flow months in the spring. Illinois’ debt service payments on bonds total $3.4 billion in fiscal 2016, while payments to its five retirement systems total $6.8 billion.

So it comes as no surprise that Fitch Ratings downgraded Illinois one notch to BBB-plus.


Puerto Rico found out how low the level of trust on the part of creditors is when they reacted to the latest proposal for an oversight board. The generally negative reaction followed the announcement that Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla has presented to the legislature the Puerto Rico Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Revitalization Act (the “Act”), which will establish the Puerto Rico Fiscal Oversight and Economic Recovery Board (the “Board”). According to the announcement, the Board will be comprised of five members appointed by the Governor and approved by the Senate. The members will select a chairperson from among themselves. It is the lack of outside participation in the process of picking members of the Board which causes concern.

The announcement comes amidst a swirl of rumors over a potential plan by which the U.S. Treasury would assist the commonwealth government in issuing a large bond deal —a “superbond”—with the federal agency in charge of administering some of the island’s tax revenue to repay holders of the new bonds. The hope is that this would lead to Commonwealth revenues at some level going through a “lockbox” to ensure payment on the so-called “superbond”.

At the same time, Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi recently presented a bill in the U.S. Congress that seeks to authorize Treasury to guarantee repayment of principal and interest on future bonds issued in by the commonwealth. The Treasury-secured bonds under Pierluisi’s bill would only be used for urgent short-term financing needs, capital expenditure projects that promote long-term economic development or to refinance existing debt at lower interest rates. Treasury would also determine and notify Congress that Puerto Rico “has demonstrated meaningful improvement in managing its public finances.”

The current unwillingness of the island to accept meaningful outside oversight in order to assuage investors concerns should create a serious roadblock to successful resolution of efforts to negotiate a debt restructuring. Currently, under a proposed debt exchange PRIFA notes would be secured with the proceeds of a rise in oil taxes adopted earlier this year. It is estimated that the PRIFA notes would have had an 8.5% coupon and a 10% yield to maturity.

The existing note holders ultimately rejected this plan, in which the holders would have exchanged their notes for PRIFA notes at 130% of their market value. In addition, there were preliminary plans to have PRIFA bonds mature from 2020 to 2037, which would have extended the maturities held by investors on some and perhaps all of their securities. The bonds would have been callable probably from 2018 onwards at a price assuring a 12% yield-to-call.

If a court impaired the effectiveness of the guarantee of the PRIFA notes, which were supposed to be senior to other PRIFA debt, then the note holders could have exchanged the PRIFA notes for the old GDB notes. If the commonwealth were not to make timely payments on its general obligation bonds or if the commonwealth were to seek bankruptcy for the PRIFA bonds, these events would be considered a default on the PRIFA bonds.

The GDB said it was disappointed that it was unable to reach a constructive and mutually beneficial agreement with the Ad Hoc Group of GDB creditors. According to the GDB, it and the Working Group for the Fiscal and Economic Recovery of Puerto Rico continue to make progress towards a comprehensive voluntary exchange offer that addresses the commonwealth’s indebtedness in a holistic manner and through which creditors across the commonwealth will agree to amended payment terms through consensual negotiations.”

Apparently, Puerto Rico has not earned the market’s trust yet.


In 2013, a $1.8 billion financing for a fertilizer production facility sponsored by an Egyptian company spurred controversy when it came to market. There were concerns about the roots of the foreign ownership, potential dangers from the production process, and the attendant financial risk that bondholders might be assuming that could result from these factors. That financing was successfully accomplished and that project in Iowa is on track for completion by the end of this year.

Now as that plant nears completion and operation, another large financing for a methanol production plant in Texas is being readied for the market. That plant is sponsored by the same Egyptian company and its successors. The largest use of methanol by far is in making other chemicals. About 40% of methanol is converted to formaldehyde, and from there into products as diverse as plastics, plywood paints, explosives, and permanent press textiles. In the US in 2011, the Open_Fuel_Standard_Act_of_2011″ was introduced in the US Congress to encourage car manufacturers to warrant their cars to burn methanol as a fuel in addition to gasoline and ethanol. The bill is being championed by the Open_Fuel_Standard_Coalition”.

Currently, domestic production accounts for one-third of methanol production while some 20% is imported from politically unstable Venezuela. The shale gas boom and lower domestic energy prices have boosted the perceived economics of the project. The combination of supporting domestic production and the seemingly reduced role of a middle Eastern based sponsor (after the pending merger is closed) are seen as factors reducing potential controversy around the deal. The location of the plant amidst a cluster of other petrochemical production facilities reduces concerns about dangers from the process or terrorism.

Once again, the municipal market is seen as a receptive vehicle for yield hungry investors seeking credit diversification and large block size in transactions that are really venture capital financings. This deal, like so many others, presents a complex series of agreements including fuel sourcing and transportation, production, transportation and distribution agreements, and a variety of commodity price based risks. These are all in addition to basic construction and operating risks and the resulting financial risks. All in all, a deal typical of what we see in the municipal market at the end of a low interest rate cycle and a red flag to savvy municipal investors.


State revenues fell short of Department of Finance projections by 2.6 percent in September, but are still ahead of estimates for the first quarter of the 2015-16 fiscal year. In September, two of the state’s three top revenue sources were lower than projections. Retail sales and use tax revenues of $1.7 billion were $392.5 million, or 18.8 percent, less than estimates. Corporation tax revenues of $836.6 million came up $135.2 million short of projections, or 13.9 percent. Only the personal income tax beat Department of Finance expectations. Revenues of $6.7 billion were $447.0 million (or 7.2 percent) greater than anticipated in the budget.

When all taxes and revenues are included, the state in September brought in $9.6 billion, or $252.2 million less than projected in July. Compared to a year ago, September revenues came up short by 1.8 percent. However, for the first quarter as a whole, revenues exceeded last year’s by $1.6 billion, or 7.5 percent. The state ended September with $26.9 billion in unused borrowable resources—$3.8 billion, or 16.7 percent, more than expected.

Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.

Muni Credit News October 15, 2015

Joseph Krist

Municipal Credit Consultant


The waste to energy sector of the municipal market has long been plagued with financial difficulties due to political, economic, and/or operating failures. The municipal landscape is littered with failed projects and interrupted or failed payment streams.

The latest example is a financing under taken through the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Phoenix, Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Revenue Bonds (Vieste SPE, LLC – Glendale, Arizona Project). The original project, which was negotiated in 2012, was a two-phase relationship between Vieste and the City of Glendale with phase 1 being the construction of the waste facilities to sort recyclable materials from a stream of acceptable waste to be supplied by the city. Phase 2 of the project would have built an energy facility for the conversion of solid waste into renewable energy.

Phase 1 was completed in 2014 and opened Feb. 20. Immediately, the operator – Vieste SPE – contended that the project was not required to accept yard waste and the issue was submitted to arbitration. An arbitrator’s ruling dated March 31 ruled against the city, stating, “the arbitrator finds that yard waste is not an acceptable waste type under the waste supply agreement before the date on which the phase 2 energy facilities are commissioned.” Due to the disputes with the City of Glendale, the Solid Waste Disposal Facility is not operating and is not generating any revenue to make any payments on the bonds.

In the interim, the Debt Service Reserve for the Bonds has been depleted and the limited funds remaining in the Debt Service Reserve Fund are insufficient to make payments to bondholders. Further, as a practical matter, the Vieste SPE, LLC acknowledges its obligations, but it has no ability to make payment. No further payments will be made to bondholders until a resolution of litigation can be achieved, or circumstances otherwise change.

The issue in question would seem to be one of a somewhat cut and dried nature. That will apparently be determined through an arbitration and litigation process as Vieste LLC has filed a notice of claim against the City of Glendale for $200 million for breach of contract. Vieste claims that it is willing to begin construction on phase two, which would separate all the trash, including yard waste, if the city would accept less payout per year to cover the cost of the construction. The reduced payout would finance a portion of construction costs. The City position is that the project should result in no cost to the City.

This is not the first contract to be subject to dispute as the result of upheaval in the Glendale government resulting in part from questions over the terms of contracts negotiated by previous local administrations. The much better known dispute between the City and the NHL Arizona Coyotes is the most prominent example.

Regardless of the result, the sector should set off alarm bells when these sorts of public/private projects come to the municipal market for financing. It is clear that unless the investor has a high level of knowledge and confidence in  the details and strength of the underlying contracts and operation agreements, than these sorts of issues might be best left to the high yield professionals or speculative investors.


An October 1 ruling validating $700 million of clean energy bonds by the Florida Supreme Court overturned 60 years of case law and made it harder to challenge future bond validations. The Florida justices overturned a 1955 precedent set in the case Meyers v. City of St. Cloud. The Meyers case held that a party that does not appear in a bond validation proceeding in circuit court, where the cases are initiated, still had the right to appeal from the trial court’s decision directly to the state Supreme Court. From now on, litigants must appear in the initial circuit court validation case to preserve their right to appeal.

Since Meyers, the court had stated on three other occasions that citizens and taxpayers who failed to appear in the circuit court bond validation proceeding nevertheless had standing to appeal the final judgment. In this case, the Court relied upon the plain terms of the statute, which specify that “any person wishing to participate in bond validation proceedings must appear in the circuit court.  In connection with the filing of a bond validation complaint, section 75.05(1), Florida Statutes, requires that “[t]he court shall issue an order directed against the state and the several property owners, taxpayers, citizens and others having or claiming any right, title or interest in property to be affected by the issuance of bonds or certificates, or to be affected thereby, requiring all persons, in general terms and without naming them and the state through its state attorney or attorneys of the circuits where the county, municipality or district lies, to appear at a designated time and place within the circuit where the complaint is filed and show why the complaint should not be granted and the proceedings and bonds or certificates validated.” Section 75.07, Florida Statutes, goes on to provide that “[a]ny property owner, taxpayer, citizen or person interested may become a party to the action by moving against or pleading to the complaint at or before the time set for hearing.”

Under these provisions, full party status is granted only to those who appear and plead in the circuit court proceedings.


This week the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) could see a second tranche of securitized debt issued that would be applied to the early retirement of some $1 billion of its outstanding debt. The issue comes after amended legislation permitting the securitization which would add to some $2 billion of similar debt authorized by the State in 2013. Proceeds would be applied to the purchase, maturity, or redemption of some of LIPA’s outstanding revenue bond debt. The securitization would be secured by a discrete charge on customer bills which are required to be segregated for the benefit of the securitized bondholders.

This refinancing method creates a more highly rated and lower cost financing vehicle for restructuring the LIPA debt and takes advantage of the current low interest rate environment. The impact of the scheme is a net credit positive for the LIPA revenue bond credit.


The announcement over the weekend that New York City and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority had reached an agreement on the MTA’s capital funding plan raises some interesting questions about the City’s fiscal policies under the DeBlasio administration. The agreement settles, for the meantime a dispute over what the appropriate level of funding on the part of the City should be for this state agency’s capital needs. Under the agreement, the state pledged $8.3 billion in state funds to the authority, while the city would contribute $2.5 billion. The city had initially agreed to provide $657 million. Where the additional City money will come from is not specified.

The dispute is long running. A recent report by the City’s Independent budget Office reviewed the history of City funding over the period since 1982. The city makes an annual payment to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to support the authority’s capital program. According to the IBO, if the City contribution had remained constant in inflation-adjusted terms since the 1982-1986 Plan, Annual Aid would have exceeded $360 Million in 2014. The city’s contribution to the MTA’s first five-year capital plan (1982-1986) averaged $136 million a year. In nominal terms, the city’s contribution was highest during the 1987-1991 and 1992-1999 plans and has remained fairly constant at around $100 million per year since 2000. The city’s contribution to the MTA’s 1982-1986 capital plan averaged 1.2 percent of total city-funded expenses over the five-year period. Over time the city’s contribution as a share of total city-funded expenses has declined dramatically. The city’s contribution to the MTA capital plan in 2010-2014 averaged just 0.2 percent of total city-funded expenses a year.

$1.9 billion of its funding will come from the city budget and $600 million will come from alternative revenue sources that were still being negotiated with the authority. City officials said one option being considered was a method called value capture, which pays for upgrades by collecting taxes and fees from new development spurred by transit access.

The agreement continues a worrying pattern of inconsistency on the part of the DeBlasio administration. At first, the City takes a position that its finances are stretched and that further increases would damage fiscal stability. This tactic has been used in its general labor negotiations, police staff level debates, and in the ongoing MTA funding dispute. Each time, the issues have been resolved with the City eventually agreeing to higher funding levels than it says it can afford or, in the case of police force staffing, an agreement to a level in excess of that requested. This sends an extremely foggy message about the true state of the City’s budget as well as the outlook for the years ahead.

As for the MTA, any agreement that increases intergovernmental funding should be viewed as a positive for the credit to the extent it slows the growth in its massive current and future debt burden. The agreement as proposed still leaves the Authority some $700 million short of its own estimate of its needs. This in a system that is becoming increasingly expensive for its working class riders while retaining a seemingly insatiable appetite for capital. This in an environment that sees increasing regional competition for potential additional funding sources throughout the region.


One example of regional competition for revenues is Nassau County, NY. The financially troubled and management challenged county, recently released  a 2016-2019 Multi Year Financial Plan. The plan relies on several heroic assumptions. The redevelopment of Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum is projected to generate a minimum of $334 million in rental income over 49 years  to the County, or a minimum of 8% of gross income, whichever is greater. Additional revenues are expected to be derived from projected sales and related economic activity including entertainment, sales and hotel taxes, parking, arena revenues (ticket fees, merchandising, rental/leasing, concessions), and plaza rental revenues.

The MYP reflects the possible sales tax shortfall of $37 million for 2015 and has budgeted 2% growth in 2016 from this reduced base. As the economy expands, sales tax is projected to grow by 2.5% in 2017, 3.0% in 2018, and 3.0% in 2019. The sales tax is where regional competition comes in. The MTA would love additional sales tax revenues to reduce pressure on fares and to derive it from a regional base. At the same time, Nassau County proposes that if the New York State Legislature would allow for the regionalization of the downstate sales tax rate the affected counties would receive significant recurring revenues. Currently, the New York City sales tax rate is 8⅞%, whereas the Nassau and Suffolk sales tax rate is 8⅝%.

At the same time, the County will seek State approval to amend current State law that requires the County to contribute annually to the cost of MTA-LIRR station maintenance. The County is seeking for the State to take over the cost of station maintenance or allow County personnel to perform the maintenance at lower cost. The result would be to potentially reduce revenue to the MTA while increasing Authority expenses.

We see this as the sort of thinking that has continually hindered resolution of the County’s financial decline. Along with this kind of thought, the County continues to place great faith in privatization – the County is currently exploring a potential public-private partnership that could result in the sale, lease, or private operation of the County’s district energy facility. The plant consists of a combined heat and power facility and central utility plant that provides thermal and electrical energy to the marketplace. A request for proposals is expected to be issued by end of 2015. Also to be revived is a plan advisor to explore a P3 to improve sewer service to County residents and strengthen its infrastructure assets. This follows on a previously failed effort to accomplish the same goal.

Overall we see questions about the long-term for New York City, continuation of the constant grind for funding by the MTA in the face of greater limitations, and a continued long unrealistic path to recovery for Nassau County.


Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.

Muni Credit News October 8, 2015

Joseph Krist

Municipal Credit Consultant


In 2004, the issue of pension reform for municipal government really came to the forefront through a study done by University of Chicago professor Joshua Rauh. In brief, it created a concern that consistent underfunding and underperformance of investments was creating a crisis that could potentially bankrupt many American cities. Among the potential hot spots were cities including Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Diego and Milwaukee. Since that time we have seen the issue of pensions play a prominent role in the financial difficulties of cities including Detroit, Stockton, and San Bernardino which have all declared bankruptcy.

Prominent in  the news now are pension issues confronting the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the States of Illinois and New Jersey, and the City of Chicago. But a recent report from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation has returned the pension spotlight to Houston. According to the Arnold Foundation report, Chicago was in roughly the same position 10 years ago that Houston is in today. the city’s strong economic position has helped to cushion the impact of poor pension funding decisions thus far, but conditions are changing. The drop in the oil markets along with the property tax revenue cap could quickly magnify the city’s pension problems and result in a crisis much like the one in Chicago.

The Foundation suggests that Houston should obtain local control over the city’s pension systems in order to negotiate changes directly with workers and enact those changes locally. In addition, they posit that the City must fully fund the pension systems; paying off the unfunded liability in 20 years or less. In 2001, the City’s unfunded liability was $300 million. In 2014, it had grown to $3.1 billion. The funding gap is due in large part to the fact that the city hasn’t been paying enough into the pension fund on an annual basis. Houston’s Annual Required Contribution has more than doubled since 2003 and is now equal to nearly one-fifth of the total general fund revenue. Yet, Houston has only paid a portion of the amount each year since 2006, despite the fact that it has increased the amount of money dedicated to pensions from about $150 million to nearly $300 million.

The report says that the pension systems for Houston’s firefighters and municipal employees use the highest investment return assumption for any major plan in the United States—8.5 percent. Meanwhile, the pension system for Houston’s police officers uses an investment return assumption of 8 percent, a number that is still higher than the national average. Under an assumed rate of return of 7.5 percent, the plans’ funded ratio, when considering the market value of assets, would fall from 75 percent to 67 percent and the debt would jump to approximately $5 billion. When assumptions are lowered to 7 percent—which is considered to be a reasonable expectation for future returns—   the funding level falls to just 63 percent.

Houston also was one of the cities that in prior years – Philadelphia, San Diego and Milwaukee which used DROP, or deferred retirement option programs. The basic concept works as follows: When an employee becomes eligible to retire, he instead opens an escrow account, and then keeps on working at normal pay. His pension benefit stops growing, just as if he had retired. The pension fund starts sending monthly checks to his escrow account. The escrow money earns interest, and when the employee finally does retire, he gets a lump sum. He also starts receiving his monthly pension checks, which are based on his benefits before the escrow accounts were created.


A lengthy tax relief and job creation bill recently introduced in the House has once again raised concerns that the tax exemption on municipal bonds could be revisited again. The 299-page bill, H.R. 3555 called “Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! Act of 2015,” was introduced by Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., and has more than 30 Democrats as co-sponsors.

It provides an exemption for private-activity bonds issued from 2015 through 2018 from the alternative minimum tax, repeal sequestration, and creates an infrastructure bank. The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at tax relief for workers and businesses, putting workers back on the job while rebuilding and modernizing the country and providing pathways for job-seeking Americans to get back to work through infrastructure projects.

It would however, cap the value of the municipal bond tax exemption at 28%. The measure also would repeal federal spending cuts known as sequestration which have included reductions in the subsidy payments issuers receive from the Treasury Department for their direct-pay bonds, such as Build America Bonds. One of the offsets for the bill would be the limit on certain deductions and exclusions, including the exclusion for tax-exempt interest. Other offsets include taxing carried interest in investment partnerships as ordinary income, closing the loophole for corporate jet depreciation and repealing oil subsidies.

The bill would exempt PABs issued from 2015 through 2018 from the AMT. Generally, these types of bonds are subject to the AMT, increasing their yields, but PABs issued in 2009 and 2010 were exempt from AMT under the terms of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. By exempting PABs from the AMT, but subjecting all bonds to the 28% cap, PAB issuers may not be better off than they are under current law, and issuers of other types of bonds would be worse off by some estimates.

Under current conditions in Congress, most particularly the House, we view the chances of enactment of serious and/or comprehensive tax reform to be effectively nil. What we do take note of is the fact that the idea of capping the value of the municipal bond tax exemption is being forwarded from the legislative side. It had previously been floated primarily by the Administration.


Try as one might to go a week without a story on the Commonwealth, it is well nigh impossible. At least the news is somewhat better this week. The GDB announced that debt  from the Municipal Finance Agency (MFA), Children’s Trust and Housing Finance Authority (HFA) are not currently expected to be restructured as part of the ongoing effort to manage the Commonwealth’s debt. Who would have thought that under any scenario, that tobacco bonds would look better than a general obligation with a constitutional revenue pledge?  That is because, according to the GDB, MFA is backed by municipal property taxes and  the Children’s Trust is a dedicated source. [What is going to be restructured] is everything else that is part of the government’s cash flow.

The Puerto Rico government intends to begin debt-restructuring talks with its creditors by mid-October. To that end, six groups have already signed confidentiality agreements as part of the overall debt-restructuring process, while other creditor groups are amending nondisclosure agreements that were previously signed for other transactions. While it faces a severe cash crunch that is expected to worsen by November if no additional liquidity measures are taken, the commonwealth faces two debt-service payments on Dec. 1, of $354.7 million, and Jan. 1, of $331.6 million, corresponding to GDB and general obligation (GO) debts.

Meanwhile the PREPA negotiations lurch along. PREPA announced Thursday that the Ad Hoc Group and fuel-line creditors have agreed to extend their forbearance agreements until Oct. 15. Talks with the monoline insurers hit another snag when the Puerto Rico Energy Commission (PREC) rejected Wednesday a petition filed Sept. 17 by National in which it sought a rate revision and hike of 4.2 cents per kilowatt-hour. PREC denied the petition alleging National didn’t meet requirements to prompt a rate revision procedure, nor provided enough evidence.

Disclaimer:  The opinions and statements expressed in this column are solely those of the author, who is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this column.  The opinions and statements expressed on this website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide investment advice or guidance in any way and do not represent a solicitation to buy, sell or hold any of the securities mentioned.  Opinions and statements expressed reflect only the view or judgment of the author(s) at the time of publication, and are subject to change without notice.  Information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable, but the reliability of which is not guaranteed.  Readers are encouraged to obtain official statements and other disclosure documents on their own and/or to consult with their own investment professional and advisors prior to making any investment decisions.